Raven Friends: Otters #138

Inspiration for the Art:  Ravenfriends is a limited NFT collection built on the Ravencoin blockchain network. We started this project to create something that everyone loves and a way to support the chain that we rely on, Ravencoin. The collection entails multiple furry critters without set release timelines. Each critter subset is capped at 500 unique assets.
IPFS: View on IPFS
Blockchain: Ravencoin

Artist Name: RavenFriends

Artist Location:

Artist Bio:

Did you know that Ravens are playful creatures and are often found in the wild playing with other critters?

Created by The Humble Mining Co a Download game on both Android & iPhone. The Humble Miner is a 2D classic mining game. Each month the top 10 players earn some Bitcoin and Ravencoin for their mining efforts and every player earns withdrawable digital assets for mining blocks!

How it works

Each week we will feature one NFT in our Social Media Ads. This gives us more eye candy to attract new customers. Each Saturday one random Renter from that week will be able to select any NFT in our current collection. Upon setting up an account on Ravenist.com we will transfer the NFT. You can view our current collection here: Ravenist.com/accounts/BlueWaterBoatRental

There is no cost to you to create an account on Ravenist, nor will you incur any costs when we initially transfer you the Digital Art.

What Can I Do with the Digital Art? A benefit of Ravenist is the site is web-based. That makes the Digital Art you are awarded easy to pull up on your phone to show friends and share on Social Media. Typically, you have the right to print the images for personal use to display offline.

What are they Worth? The value of Art is subjective. The prices we pay for the NFT we purchase vary by Artist. We purposely pay full retail and in some cases cover the tiny cost to list, sell & transfer to us on Ravenist. We do this to help our Social Media followers see the current market value of Digital Art. What our customers and followers do with the NFT or Token they are awarded is completely up to them. A benefit to using the Ravenist marketplace is receivers can quickly put the Digital Art up for sale at any price they want. Best of all potential buyers will be able to see the transaction history. Please note: Some Artists have taken advantage of the Royalty feature available on the Ravenist marketplace. This means that a portion of your future sale may go to the artist. Please keep this in mind when claiming the NFT or Token you desire. Learn more: Ravenist.com/faq

Everyone Wins! Some of our Artists have created Tokens that allow us to Award one to anyone interested. Simply set up an account on Ravenist and select the Token that resonates with you. You can view our current collection here: BlueWaterBoatRental Token Giveaway Then contact us on Social Media with your new Ravenist Account. One Digital Art Token per verified account will be given.

How Digital Artists Can Get Involved 

We buy NFTs from Artists on the Ravencoin Blockchain. We then award one each week to a lucky renter to give them another memory to take home and show friends & family. Let us showcase your work & drive more sales & new fans!

Why Ravencoin? Simple. Tokens & NFTs issued on the Ravencoin are easy to create without the need for Smart Contracts. They are extremely inexpensive to transfer. There is true ownership for the holder. Learn more: WhyRavencoin.com

What is Ravenist? Ravenist.com is the number one NFT marketplace for the Ravencoin blockchain. You can buy or sell NFTs, Tokens, and Assets created on the Ravencoin network with Ravenist, which is a completely transparent platform.

I am an Artist, how can I get started? Visit ComeHitherToRVN.com and let them know you are an interested Artist. They will walk you through the entire process.

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